Establish an Endowment

Support for Students Today and in the Future.

An endowed gift to the NWACC Foundation is a wonderful way to make a difference for students both today and in the future.  When you create an endowment, you build a permanent resource that makes a difference now, as well as for generations to come. The continuous source of revenue generated from the investment of the endowment gift ensures perpetual benefits for future NWACC students.

Endowments may be established with a minimum of $25,000 by individuals, families, businesses, organizations or trusts. Donors may choose to make an endowment gift to fulfill and assure their own unique philanthopic mission or to create as a memorial or in honor of someone. Gifts may come from one or multiple donors. Plus, charitable gifts are 100% tax-deductible.


The endowment will exist in perpetuity and invested for long-term growth while providing an annual income to the designated program or scholarship. Endowment funds must be invested for a one-year minimum before any income is available for program or scholarship support. In accordance with the policy of the NWACC Foundation established by its Board of Directors, a 5 percent administration fee will be assessed on contributions when they are received and administered by the NWACC Foundation. 

Let us help you explore the option of creating an endowment at NWACC. Contact us at or 479.619.4128.


Give to the NWACC Foundation Today!